
Five productivity tips for writers

Most writers long to be more productive, especially those who juggle their writing with a full-time job and have limited time to devote to their art. If you want to boost your word count and get more done with those precious minutes or hours, here are a few tips.

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The pros and cons of hybrid publishing

Hybrid publishing sits somewhere between traditional publishing and self-publishing, combining elements of both. While a traditional publisher generates revenue through book sales, a hybrid press makes money from both book sales and the fees they charge their authors.

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The pros and cons of self-publishing

Once snobbishly dismissed as the publication choice of ‘amateurs’, self-publishing has become wildly popular in recent years and the preferred publication path for many. While it does have a number of big advantages over traditional publishing and hybrid publishing, there are also a number of pretty big downsides.

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The pros and cons of traditional publishing

Traditional publishing is no longer the only route to publication, but it’s one option that many writers aspire to over self-publishing or hybrid publishing. It is, however, a tough nut to crack and there are downsides as well as positives to taking the traditional route.

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What are the three main publishing options?

Go back fifteen or twenty years and the only real way to get your book out into the world was to find an agent and have it pitched to a traditional publishing house. Today, with the rise of Amazon and other self-publishing platforms, there are more ways than ever to get your book into print.

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Six editing myths, debunked

Hiring an editor can seem like a pretty frightening prospect for many writers, not least because you’re handing over your precious manuscript to someone who might be about to tear it apart. There’s a lot of scaremongering around editors and the editorial process, and a lot of myths have grown up which simply have no basis in fact.

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Why hire a developmental editor?

Writing a book is hard work, which is why completing a manuscript is such a huge achievement. Finishing a first draft, however, is only half the battle. Writing success is all about rewriting, and that can feel like an overwhelming task when you look back on your manuscript and maybe begin to see the flaws and weaknesses. To make things easier, this is the point at which you should consider hiring a developmental editor.

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